


Thank you for considering joining the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club. 

Our memberships are valid for one year beginning January 1st and expiring on December 31st


Single Membership          $15        Single memberships are offered to individuals 18 years or older.

Family Membership         $25        Family memberships are offered to families consisting of spouse/partner & children under 18.


Business Associate           $50        Business memberships are offered to business owners immediate family.  Includes listing of    Membership                                      your business on our website sponsor page and periodic recognition of your business on our                                                                        club Facebook page.  We also advertise your business in at least one seasonal issue of our                                                                              newsletter.


Associate Lifetime           $500      Business Lifetime memberships are offered to our business supporters.  We include listing of  Membership                                     your business on our website sponsor page, and periodic recognition of your business on our                                                                       Facebook page.  We also advertise your business in at least one seasonal issue of our newsletter.                                                                 Our lifetime membership is not transferrable to the new owner if your business is sold.

Disclaimer: Members of the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club agree to abide by all club rules and bylaws.  Members understand the risk of injury while participating in ATV UTV events sponsored by the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club or on their own.  Members understand the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-TV Club cannot assume responsibility or safety of them and family members or their passengers if they participate in any Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club sponsored function.  Members participating in any Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club event do so voluntarily on their assessment of the condition of machines and abilities of skills.  Members further understand that they assume all risks themselves, their passenger and their property and agree to release the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club  and to hold harmless all officers, members and representatives from any liability loss, damage, costs, claims or lawsuits including but not limited to bodily injuries and or death.  All members must be 18 years or older to join the Hodag 4-Wheelers ATV-UTV Club.